Devilled chicken
After cleaning, flamed and washed the chicken as usual, cut along the back. Open it up and spread it on the chopping crushed his chest with the palm of hand. Baste all sides with...
ultima modifica: 2014-07-18T11:22:57+02:00 daRicette della cucina Italiana e internazionale
After cleaning, flamed and washed the chicken as usual, cut along the back. Open it up and spread it on the chopping crushed his chest with the palm of hand. Baste all sides with...
ultima modifica: 2014-07-18T11:22:57+02:00 daCut the chicken into pieces, chop the garlic and marjoram and brown it in a pan with oil and butter. When blond and add the chicken pieces brown it on all sides, then moisten...
ultima modifica: 2014-07-18T11:20:38+02:00 daTake the chicken fiammeggiatelo, wash and dry. Season it inside and out with salt and pepper mixed together, cover the breast with slices of bacon, then tied the wings and legs close to the...
ultima modifica: 2014-07-18T11:19:01+02:00 da